Everything Exclusive Magazine:

Holiday Love

Photo taken from cleverspeaks.com

Bells are ringing, cold winds are blowing, children are wishing and hearts are overflowing. The holidays are here at last. It is time for family, fun, food and love. During the holidays, relationships are put through one major trial: meeting the family. Family should always be the most important thing in your life; even if you don’t have “blood” family, there is someone significant in your life that your partner should have the pleasure of meeting.

The first step in meeting your partner’s family on the holiday is figuring out which family you are going to meet between the two of you. The proper thing to do is to meet the woman’s family first unless there is special situation. When you know whose house you are going over, let your family know that you are bringing someone special. Do not try to surprise them because you never know how your family will react to them. It also makes it a little easier for your partner to adjust to whatever craziness your family may contain.

Despite the cliché, always be yourself. Do not try to change to impress your partner’s family. Your man or woman loves you for who you are so their family should do the same and accept you for who you are. This is not to say go crazy and curse everyone out because that’s how you normally act. Show some respect, but still be you. Being someone your not will only hurt you in the end because you will always have to keep up the lie or eventually you would be pointed for the liar and lose any respect that you may have gained. Just do not try too hard.

If your partner and family are butting heads, stop it immediately! Some families are difficult to become comfortable around so it is your place to keep the peace between your family and your partner. Yet, if your family does not like your partner for legit reasons, then do not ruin your family relationship because of that one person. Your family is just looking out for your best interest. Most likely your family will recognize when someone is not good for you and are only meant to be in your life for a season. This is not to say take any rash actions, just take into consideration how you family feels and make the best decision for you.

In the end, just enjoy your time with your loved ones, all of them. Never allow drama to ruin a time of grand cheer and love. Get close with your significant other, hug them tight, find some mistletoe and let the love flow.

Eat well and love hard. Happy Holidays.

Editor of Love and Relationships, Tabia Wade

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